The Easiest to Use Offshore Database in the Gulf of Mexico

Phone: (281) 370-4313 | E-mail: SALES@LEXCO.COM

The Data Screens continue to play a major and ever increasing role in the OWL Database. They work in direct concert with the OWL Navigator to provide faster access to information through linked data grids which are the central elements of the Data Screens. Linked data grids permit OWL to display larger volumes of data while enabling users with more control over its content and presentation, including numerous export options. Users also have the ability to undock the data grids for display across multiple monitors where comparison analysis can be performed.

Data Screens are comprised of three components: 1) OWL Navigator with Target Summary, 2) Primary Data Grids, and 3) Secondary Data Grids.


Navigator with Target Summary

The Target Summary displays vital information about the selected target such as status, name, water depth, holes drilled, total and active producers, and location. 


Primary Data Grids

The theme determines which Primary Data Grids are available to the user, while the selected target provides the main criteria for compiling data records within the different grids. Primary Data Grids remain linked to the main Navigator so that data can be immediately refreshed with changes in theme and target, unless the user has locked the data grid. The locking option allows users to compare and analyze multiple data grids and graphs.


Secondary Data Grids

Secondary Data Grids are linked directly to and accessible by selection of the Primary Data Grids above. Data is revealed in the Secondary Grids as records are selected in the Primary Grids. These grids can also be undocked and locked.