Twelve major report categories with over forty-five different reports are now available in OWL for users to assemble virtually any information of interest in the Gulf of Mexico. All Reports are designed to provide users with complete flexibility and ease of use in generating virtually any data set. Screen Reports are also available as a fast way of generating printable reports of any data screens.
A new Report Console has been designed with report Filters, Data, Preview, and Map options that permit users to quickly create and customize a compiled data grid for export, printable report, and map display. Default settings provide certain data columns, sorting, and formatting for every report.
- Area/Block Report - includes Lease Ownership, AOR Ownership, Bids, Wells, Well Production, Well Completions, Well Tests, Lease Production, and Platforms sections
Bid and Sale
- Bids
- High Bid Sale Summary
- Average $ High Bid by Company
- Annual $ High Bid Summary
- Sale Summary
- Competitive Bid Summary
- Bids and Lease Production
- Open Acreage
- Potentially Productive Blocks
- Block Prod. with Active Lease Ownership
- Annual Block Production Summary
- Acreage Ownership
- Company Ranking by Lease Ownership
- Company Ranking by BOE Production
- Field Production
- Field Ranking by BOE Production
- Annual Field Production Summary
- Lease Ownership - includes AOR Ownership
- Lease Operating Rights
- Expected Lease Expirations
- Potentially Productive Lease Expirations
- Undrilled Leases
- Lease Liability
- Annual Lease Summary
- Annual Expected Lease Expiration Summary
- Lease Ranking by BOE Production
- Lease Production
- Annual Lease Production Summary
- Pipelines
- Platforms
- Prospects
- Active Unit Ownership
- Unit Production
- Annual Unit Production Summary
- Wells
- Well Locations
- Monthly Well Completion Production
- Well Production
- Well Completions
- Well Tests
- BH Pressure Survey
- Idle Wells
- Annual Well Production Summary
- Well Completions by Reservoir
- Well Completions by Well
- Activity Report
- Weekly Scout Report
- OOSA Well Report