Print View

Your printed page will look something like this.

Log Annotations

Text Annotations

Text Boxes

Text Boxes are easy to place on an image. Type or paste text into the entry window and make any desired modifications using the provided text tools.

  • Fonts and Backgrounds - All fonts available on the user's computer can be selected. The full Windows color palette is available for type and background color, and various typeface and justification options can be used.
  • Text Box Shape, Rotation - Two shapes are available for text boxes, the default rectangle or a circle. Text boxes can be outlined if desired. They can be rotated to any angle needed for an illustration.
  • Connecting Line - A connecting line allows text boxes to be set at a distance from the information being highlighted. Standard line attributes and color options are available.



Formation Tops Tool

The Formation Tops Tool is a compound annotation that sets a line and three text boxes on a log image. The line and all three of the text boxes can be moved and edited to fit user needs.




Section Measurement Tool

The Section Measurement Tool provides a quick way to annotate gross intervals. Once in place the measurement markup can be adjusted or attributes edited as needed.




Graphic Annotations

Straight Lines and Arrows

All the Line/Fill Attributes are available to customize line thickness, color and pattern.




Poly Lines

The Poly Line Tool puts sectioned straight lines on an image. Attributes for a poly line are the same as for the Line and Arrow Tools and are edited in the same way.




Color Filled Polygons

The Polygon Tool places color filled polygons on an image. Attributes can be changed/edited in the same way as the Line and Arrow Tools.




Rectangles, Squares, Circles and Ellipses

Color and line thickness attributes are edited using the same procedures as the line tools. The fill can be made translucent allowing the underlying image to be visible.




Symbol Types

Lexview has a large Symbol Library that includes both lithologic and engineering symbols. The default for symbols is a transparent background, to turn on a white opaque background for a symbol, uncheck the Transparent Box at the bottom of the Library Window, before selecting the symbol.




Markup Files

Markup files can be saved as a part of the annotated image. LexView provides the option to save markup files separate from log images that remain editable and can be re-set.

