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About Lexco Data Systems

Lexco Data Systems, LP specializes in the collection and presentation of exploration and production data for the Gulf of Mexico via its Offshore Well and Lease (OWL) Database.  Lexco is run by a small group of geologists with extensive major company experience in the Gulf of Mexico.  This group allied itself with a very talented programmer and a well known Landman in the early 1990’s to create Version 1 of the OWL  Database.  Since then the same group has worked as a team for almost 20 years to produce  successively more robust versions of OWL that have culminated in Version 7 released in January 2011.  The development of OWL has been guided by the experience of the founding group and the varied needs of its customers.

Value Proposition

The OWL value proposition is that Lexco provides the easiest to use, most up-to-date, and sensibly priced source of E&P data for the Gulf of Mexico.

What is OWL?

OWL is an easy-to-use software/database combination that can find almost any piece of E & P information about the GOM in less than one minute. It contains lease ownership, bids, production by well & lease, platform, pipeline, well completions, mapping, and over 40 different reports designed for Lexco clients. OWL can produce both page sized and wall size maps. Well and map data may be exported to Landmark, GeoQuest, and SMT seismic work stations and ArcView.    Over 150 companies are using OWL to support their work in the GOM.