OWL Data
OWL provides quick and easy access to more Gulf of Mexico data from BOEM & BSEE (MMS), NOAA, and Lexco’s own resources through Data Screens, Graphs, Reports, and Maps. Lexco Data Systems uses proprietary data processing techniques developed over 30 years to insure the accurate translation of the U. S. Department of Interior’s Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), formerly the Minerals Management Service (MMS), computer database files which are the primary source of data.
Additional information from public documents and other resources are used to add value and enhance the OWL Database. This includes collection and verification of data through Lexco’s partnership with Waring & Associates located in Metairie, LA.
The OWL Database classifies information into eleven major data types or themes:
- Cultural data - status, water depth, active leases, acreages, holes, producers, and completions
- Production data - time period, volumes for oil, gas, and water and more...
- Injection data - time period, volumes for liquid and gas, and more...
- Cultural data - status, sale, effective and expiration dates, acreages, term, water depth, royalty, bonus, MROV, holes, and much more…
- Production data - status, active completions and producers, interval depths, time period, volumes for oil, gas, and water and much more...
- Injection data - time period, volumes for liquid and gas, and more...
- Aliquots - group code, approval date, acreage, and description
- Bids - sale, rank, bonus, bidder, interest, and more...
- Operating Rights - assignment, approval, effective and termination dates, company, interest, and description
- Operators - group, approval date, company, and description
- Owners - group, approval, effective, and termination dates, company, interest, acres, and description
- Remarks - approval date and time, aliquot group, type, and remark
- Cultural data - field code, blocks and portion description, leases, effective and termination dates, acreage, and much more…
- Production data - active completions, interval depths, time period, volumes for oil, gas, and water and much more...
- Injection data - time period, volumes for liquid and gas, and more...
- Cultural data - segment, length, operator, origin and termination locations, status, ROW, diameters, product, system, pressure, approval date, and more…
- History - segment, date reported, type code, and remark
- Survey - segment, point, coordinates, appurtenance code, and ancillary structure
- Cultural data - ID, structure number and name, operator, set and removal dates, type, slots, subsea comps, water depth, decks, quarters, location, and much more…
- Production data - active completions, interval depths, time period, volumes for oil, gas, and water and much more...
- Injection data - time period, volumes for liquid and gas, and more...
- Cultural data - blocks, leases, field, acreage, comps, discovery year, reservoir depths, potential reserves, pay thickness, production capacity, and more…
- Production data - time period, volumes for oil, gas, and water and more...
- Injection data - time period, volumes for liquid and gas, and more...
ROW (Right of Way)
- Cultural data - effective and termination dates, status, description, actual and estimated decommissioning costs
- Liability Data - install and proposed status, pipeline and platform decommissioning and clear costs
RUE (Right of Use/Easement)
- Cultural data - termination, received and final action dates, coordinator and business data and actual and estimated decommissioning costs
- Liability Data - install and proposed status, pipeline and platform decommissioning and clear costs
- Cultural data - number, name, allocation, effective and termination dates, product, type, basis, water depth, acreages, reservoir, and much more...
- Production data - active completions, interval depths, time period, volumes for oil, gas, and water and much more...
- Injection data - time period, volumes for liquid and gas, and more...
- Cultural data - API, field, operators, name, suffix, spud and TD dates, Kelly bushing, depths, status, subsea, comp, paleo, logs, location, and more...
- Production data - status, active completions, interval depths, time period, volumes for oil, gas, and water and much more...
- Injection data - time period, volumes for liquid and gas, and more...
- Completions - API, name, status, reservoir, depths, squeezed, location, production period and volumes for oil, gas, and water and much more...
- Completion Tests - API, name, test date, type, method, choke size, test results, gas/oil ratio, gravity, pressures, time, and more...
- Directional Surveys - API, well name, measured and true vertical depths, inclination, azimuth, delta x and y
- Paleontological - report number and date, first depth, measured and true vertical depths, confidence, paleo and ecozone locations, and ecozone type
- Well Logs - API, well name, log description, interval depths, log and release dates, file size and status